The necessity of the atonement

8. Substitution

The sacrifices of the Old Testament were substitutions in Nature. They were reckoned as doing on the altar for the Israelite what he could not to for himself. In like manner Jesus did for us on the cross what we could not do for ourselves. Having taken on human nature, Christ was able to identify Himself with mankind and so stuffed. Therefore died in our stead.

He took the penalty that was ours in order that we might escape. One who was sinless by nature and who had never committed a sin in His life became a sinner (or took the sinner’s place). 

2 Corinthians 5:21 “Who hath made him to be sin for us “
1 Peter 2:24 “‘who his own self bare our sins in his own body on
the tree”.

Just as the ram caught in the thicket was a substitution for Isaac on Mount Moriah, even so Christ became a substitution for us. Just as Barabbas was freed by the death of Christ, even so we are free. Read and study carefully Isaiah, chapter fifty-three.