3. The appearances of Christ after the resurrection

It is necessary to read the account of the resurrection in the four gospels to get the story as it happened.  Undoubtedly His appearances were as follows:

  • The women at the tomb see the angels.
  • The women hurry to tell the disciples Peter and John lived
    quite close; the other disciples were a greater distance from the tomb.
  • Peter and John run to the tomb John being younger
    outrunning Peter.
  • Mary follows returning to the tomb and lingers there and
    sees Jesus.
  • Jesus appears to the Emmaus disciples.
  • Jesus appears to Peter.
  • Jesus appears to ten apostles with Thomas absent.
  • Jesus appears to the apostles with Thomas present.
  • Jesus appears to the apostles and a multitude on the mount.
  • Jesus appears to the apostles on the shores of Lake Galilee.
  • Jesus appears to James.
  • Jesus appears to the apostles at the ascension.
  • Jesus appears to Paul on the road to Damascus